It's time for
Optimal health!
In a world where the disease destroys lives, divides families, leaves us with unmade work and affected family finances and many other effects it is time to find natural solutions with certain efficiency. At the SOZO Therapy you will find a treatment for each individual, because each one is different, meant to find the causes and solve them so that the patient reaches OPTIMAL HEALTH! Call today to make an appointment for yourself:
+40 748-643-735
Our services
The Path to Optimal Health
SOZO Therapy
SOZO therapy consists of several complementary therapies, using the most appropriate treatment for what you need.
Our spiritual/emotional state is one of the main causes of our states, for this we offer specialized counseling.
Neurological Examinations and Therapies
With the NeuroInfiniti device in the USA we can perform specialized EEG examinations and BioFeedback and NeuroFeedback therapies.
A few of the
Recovered patients
Cirrhosis and Hepatitis
Breast Cancer
Neuralgia of Trigemin Watch More Testimonials

YouTube Delete one more video – We are at the limit
On 2022.07.05 YouTube deleted yet another video, the third presentation made with Paul, from the series "How to … YouTube Delete one more video – We're at the limit…
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How we relate to our children can free us or enslave us in various situations of life.
Dental recommendations
In this page you will find some contacts of some Dental Clinics where we recommend you go to solve dental problems. … Dental Recommendations Read More »